Breakfasting with orphans

During this month of Ramadhan, we also take the time to share the joy with 46 orphans in the village of Drajat Lamongan. This event also signify the start of a fostering and mentoring program that we have planned for these children.

Giving 1500 Eid gift package

As our gratitude for all the blessings that we have received, we share the joy by giving 1500 Eid gift packages for our community.

Breakfasting with people from Kemantren village

As with previous years, we organized our annual break fasting event with all theresidents from Kemantren with our staff.

Break fasting with all employees, customers & contractors

We held this break fasting together to strengthen brotherhood among all employees, customers and contractors working inLamonganShorebase. This event also commence Ramadan activities organized by Al-Kautsar mosque Ta'mir

Breakfasting with Management PT Eastern Logistics and Government Officials

This break fasting event was held together with the management of PT Eastern Logistics and PT Lamongan Integrated Shorebase with Bupati Lamongan and staffs in this month of Ramadhan.