Orphanage Visit: Donation & Breakfast Together

The Ta’mir of our own Lamongan Shorbase Al-Kautsar mosque put together a schedule to visit the Orphanages in the areas surrounding Lamongan Shorebase. This year, 2017, we visited an orphanage in Blimbing village which is home to more than 40 orphans. We spoke with the head caretaker of this orphanage, and he shared with us his struggles to keep this orphanage running and to provide the best for those under her care. Sharing our good fortune and prayers with them, we handed out donations, gifts, and dished out meals to all. We hope to meet them again in the future with more opportunities to share stories, food, and good fortune.

Santunan Panti Asuhan Sunan Drajat

Annually, we organize a charity pray and dine event with the Sunan Drajat Orphanage. We are constantly working on further developing our relationship with the Orphanage, its leaders and children. Then event was opened with a short speech by Pak Edi, who is the head of the Orphanage. Everyone filled their bellies with food and filled the air with joy and laughter. Good bags were then handed out to all the children in the orphanage at the closing of the event.

Da’wah Contest

This is the first year holding the Da’wah contest. Ta’mir of Al-Kautsar mosque in Lamongan Shorebase, initiated this contest to allow participants to show off their public speaking skills and engage attendees in understanding more about the holy month of Ramadan. The local Ustadz was the judge during the competition; winners and runner ups were awarded with various interesting prizes.

Food box Distribution Kemantren 2017

People gathered at 07:00AM in the morning with Foodbox coupons in their hands, eager to receive their share of the Foodbox Distribution. One of many CSR events for the community, the Foodbox distribution was held at Balai Desa Kemantren.

The aim of this event is share good fortune to our community. Each box contains basic daily necessities such as rice, cooking oil, sugar, and various snacks, which can be shared within individual families.

Throughout the two days, we distributed more than 1,500 boxes.

Ta’jil Ramadhan Giveaway

Sharing is always an act of caring. Staff from all departments are each assigned a day where they will distribute Ta’jil which they bought by collecting donations from their colleagues. Hundreds of packets of Ta’jil were distributed at a station set-up at the main road.

Breakfasting with LS Staff

Every year, all our employees and customers eagerly await this event. With live music and food, this event brings everyone in Lamongan Shorebase together, promoting a spirit of togetherness and a sense of belonging. As the time to break fast draws closer, the event is opened with a prayer by the local Ustadz and followed by a short welcome speech from the management. Everyone is then invited to eat and encouraged to mingle with one another and give thanks to God for this holy month of Ramadan.

Buka Puasa Bersama Kemantren 2017

Following our initiative to stay in touch with the local community, this year’s Buka Puasa with Kemantren was well received by both the committee and our employees.

The event was held at the biggest mosque in Desa Kemantren, Al-Abror.

Over 1,500 people attended the celebration, including the various leaders and important figures of Kemantren. The start of the event was opened with prayers, and was shortly followed by a speech from our Operation Manager, Pak Sugeng.

The yearly Buka Puasa event plays a crucial role in bonding with the community. We look forward to organizing this event for many more years to come.