Reading Al-Qur’an Competition by Mosque Al-Kautsar

After a very successful Al-Qur’an Reading Competition Session 1, Mosque Al-Kautsar members conducted the same event this year during Ramadhan.

Arabic Calligraphy Competition by Mosque Al-Kautsar

Another way to celebrate the holy month of Ramadhan 1439 H, the committee of Mosque Al-Kautsar held an Arabic Calligraphy Competition for first time. The competition was open to everyone; staff, customers, and vendors in Lamongan Shorebase. This event is to encourage learning and promote friendly competition. We best calligraphers were presented them with prizes such cash and little souvenirs.

Give Out of Dates

In line with our good neighbor and sharing our good fortune initiatives, we distributed boxes of kurma (Dates), to the surrounding community, fishermen, and mosques to usher in Ramadhan 1439 H. This yearly activity takes place over two days. It is important this activity is held the during the first week so that all who are fasting can use kurma to break their fast or as Takjil.