Blood Donation

By giving blood, every donor is contributing to a nation-wide challenge to provide life-saving products whenever and wherever they are needed.

Spiritual recitation during Ramadhan

During this month, we also held religious speeches/recitations that were conducted by both internal and external speakers.

Break fasting with all employees, customers & contractors

We held this break fasting together to strengthen brotherhood among all employees, customers and contractors working inLamonganShorebase. This event also commence Ramadan activities organized by Al-Kautsar mosque Ta’mir

Breakfasting with Management PT Eastern Logistics and Government Officials

This break fasting event was held together with the management of PT Eastern Logistics and PT Lamongan Integrated Shorebase with Bupati Lamongan and staffs in this month of Ramadhan.

Blood Donation

This is part of our quarterly blood donation drive among our staff to facilitate our spirit of sharing.

Lamongan Shorebase Futsal Champions League 2012

In the spirit of teamwork and togetherness, we invited our customers, vendors and friends around Lamongan Shorebase to compete in a futsal tournament, the tournament was won by one of our vendor PT. Mekar Bangun Eka Sejati (MBES).

Breakfasting Event at J.W. Marriott Surabaya

We hosted a BukaPuasa (Breakfasting) and MagribPrayer at J.W Marriott Surabaya. For this event we invited the East Java Governor, Imam Utomo and the MUSPIDA.

Rice Cutting Ceremony

Lamongan Shorebase held a Rice Cutting (Tumpeng) Ceremony for all employees, vendors and customers. This event is a symbol of gratitude and blessings in Javanese Culture to witness the grand opening of Lamongan Shorebase.